WHO Poll

Percy Dalton 11:17 Sun Nov 27
Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
I don't think we can advance as a club with Noble at the helm.His decision making is pretty poor he doesn't have the legs any more.Who do you think would advance the cause and also be a dynamic captain.

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cup of tea 1:07 Sun Dec 4
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
The most criminal aspect of Noble was the fact he was given a 5 year contract. We all know why though.....


1964 12:16 Sun Dec 4
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
Was he EVER Premiership quality?

Just asking like

Sven Roeder 12:01 Sun Dec 4
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
I known people don't want to hear it but think he has been outclassed and run ragged by virtually every central midfielder he has come up against this season. Including Adam Forshaw of Middlesbrough.
Would be a great signing for QPR.

connolly8 11:56 Sun Dec 4
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
Is Joey Barton still a free agent ? .....

Full Claret Jacket 11:52 Sun Dec 4
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
He's got more spine than many of the others playing but his fitness is poor as it is across the whole squad.
I also have never agreed with him being made the Captain. It seems a Brady marketing ploy to me.

You need to have leaders on the pitch and I think Mark can be one of those but your Captain has to really lead by example, influence games and others around him by consistent high performance.

He's currently a question mark to make the first 11, most of his team mates probably don't speak English to understand him or have had a much more prestigious career already than Noble.

He's done his best to build some friendships in the team off the pitch but it's clear there is not much team spirit and too many off field disagreements.

hornchurchsteve 11:51 Sun Dec 4
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
He was finished ages ago.

David L 11:48 Sun Dec 4
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
Trouble is, the club wont realise this until 3 seasons too late. We need time to find someone else to replace him as the marketable image we so desperately need.

Private Dancer 11:44 Sun Dec 4
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
It's like watching a Tom Cruise film. Done well for us Noble, but I think his time is up now. He's not a leader either.

connolly8 11:41 Sun Dec 4
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
Especially when he can't catch no one.

Private Dancer 11:40 Sun Dec 4
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
He must spend around 90% of the match running after people. No wonder he always looks bemused.

connolly8 11:38 Sun Dec 4
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
Struggles on the bigger pitch.

David L 11:36 Sun Dec 4
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
They cant possibly drop him, not after spending all that money plastering ''Mr West Ham'' all over the outside of the bowl.

camel-with-3-humps 11:35 Sun Dec 4
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
Too old, too slow

Percy Dalton 11:31 Sun Dec 4
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
So do you still think he's the man for the job.

Percy Dalton 7:59 Tue Nov 29
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
Football is all about opinions, just happens to be my opinion.
Judging by the posts on here I think we're divided on Nobles worth to the team and whether we could do better.

Shane_WHUFC 7:02 Tue Nov 29
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
Nonsense thread. He was decent sunday anyway.

Hammers1993 2:43 Tue Nov 29
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
I disagree that Antonio has all the tools for that role.

He has some of them, engine, ability to get forward. But I find his crossing woeful and his ability to defend (When it gets switched to a 5-1-2-1) is awful as well.

No fault of his own as in my opinion he shouldn't be playing there. He should be RM/RW, nowhere else. That is where he is most effective.

Baggins 2:43 Tue Nov 29
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
Antonio does not have good positional sense and isn't a great wing back.

He will have to make do though as we didn't sign a fucking right back in the summer when it was obvious to anyone that we were in dire need of one.

Infidel 1:48 Tue Nov 29
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.

A wing back system is not defensive.

It's not really a single formation. It's designed to switch between 5-3-2 when defending and 3-5-2 when attacking.

You can only deploy it when you have two players with all the skills required of a wing back. Going forward they have to be able to beat a man and get a cross over. When defending they have to have good positional sense and be able to time a tackle.

Most of all they need to be outstanding athletes, able to run the full length of the pitch every few minutes without tiring. If they get tired the whole system breaks down.

We are lucky right now in that we have Antonio and Cresswell, both of whom have a full toolkit for the position. Plus one is right footed and the other left footed - if you have to turn the ball back on to your good foot to cross the ball you are always going to struggle against a decent full back.

If you have the right players it's a great system. I think it works for us - provided we have the right forward players too. No matter how well Antonio and Cresswell play it will be a waste of time if Zaza or Tore or Callieri is on the pitch.

Far Cough 1:32 Tue Nov 29
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
Sunderland wont let Defoe go to a probable relegation rival

Hammers1993 1:29 Tue Nov 29
Re: Noble thanks mate but your time is up.
Good shout on Lanzini playing there I did like him in that role.

Even Jenkinson at RB, as bad as he was in that early part of 2nd season he was with us I agree he is probably better than what we have now. Issue is Wenger has him so overpriced it makes it a bad deal. Wages would be big too. Would be better off going after that Iorfa, if available and at reasonable price.

Striker who can play at this level?
Isn't injury prone?
Doesn't have a bad attitude (anymore)?
Knows where the goal is?

Defoe anyone? (Short term from Jan)

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